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Lyneham Class Closure

Unfortunately the Primary School have chosen to cancel ALL bookings for all non school organisations using their facilities. This is due to a new safeguarding update which we believe they have misinterpreted.

This however means that we can no longer continue with the Lyneham class. The other options for the area are either too small or not available on Tuesday evenings regularly.

So the class of the 18th July 2023 was Lynehams last night. We do of course have the Calne and Chippenham classes available, you can find out more information in the classes section

US Ambassador to Malta party

This week Sean paid a flying visit to Malta to give line dance instruction to a large party on the island. The United States Embassy threw an early 4th of July party at the Phoenicia hotel and no 4th of July party would be complete without a little Line Dancing.

Attended by the great and the good of the Island including the US Ambassador to Malta, the Maltese President and Deputy Prime Minister the evening was a huge sucess.

We’re still waiting on some of the ‘official’ videos and photos and we’ll share them as soon as we have them!

ELD Beginner Weekend

Everything Line Dance host a number of Line Dance weekends throughout the year, catering to all levels of dancers. These are normally 2 or 3 day events with instruction from top choreographers and teachers alongside live music. They are fun, friendly environments to be introduced to Line Dance Weekends.

If you would like more information, speak to us at class, message us on Facebook or complete the contact us form on this site.

Get In Line heads to Malta

One of our instructors has been asked to attend an early ‘Independance day’ event in Malta for several hundred US citizens to give Line Dance instruction during their event.

Not only did they choose an instructor from the UK to travel to Malta to teach, out of the hundreds of instructors in the UK, they choose Get In Line.