A busy first class and a quieter start for our later class. You were brilliant in both classes and we whizzed through lots of dances.
In the early class you danced:
Heave Away
One Step Forward (new teach) x2
K-Step & Rumba
Rita’s Waltz
In the later class you danced an amazing 3 new teaches!
Stand By Me (new teach) x2
Mamma Maria (new teach) x2
Go Cat Go (new teach) x2
One Step Forward
20 Count, 4 Walls
Choreographer: Betty Wilson and Charlotte Lucia
Music: One Step Forward by the Desert Rose Band
Stand by Me
32 count, 4 walls
Choreographers: Raymond Sarlemijn and Roy Verdonk
Music: Stand By Me (Ivan Jack Remix) by 45 stars
Mamma Maria
32 Counts, 4 walls
Choreographer: Frank Trace
Music: We danced it to Coming Home by Old Dominion
Go Cat Go
32 Count, 4 Walls
Choreographer: Gaye Teather
Music: Please Mama Please by Go Cat Go