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Social Time!

It’s time for a social


You asked for them so we’re giving them to you. Working together with Dad and Daughter Line Dance and ‘Line Em Up’ We’re organising a series of group socials where all our classes can mix!

Brian and Cassie of Dad and Daughter Line Dance in Devizes will be hosting the first social.

It is at the Wyvern Club in Devizes on Sunday the 26th November

2:30pm – 5:30pm.

Three hours of dancing and fun with dance primers and of course a couple of new teaches thrown in for good measure.

There is even more good news!

There is a bar that provides drinks and snacks, and yet there is more! Free tea and coffee!

There will even be ‘sit down bingo’ for a bit of extra fun.

We have been lucky enough to get 20 spaces for this social. Places must be booked but you can pay on the door on the day. Once the spaces are filled, you’re out of luck.

We’ve already filled half our spots so don’t hang around. Let us know if you would like a space.

Wyern Club Devizes

Sunday 26th November 2023

2:30pm – 5:30pm

£8 per person

Line Dance South Workshop

We chose the hottest day of the year to attend the Line Dance South ‘Michelle Risley’ Workshop in Winterslow.

A fantastic day was had with several new dances taught including ‘Pony Time‘, ‘Little Heartbreak‘ and my personal favourite ‘I loved you then‘.

Unfortunately we didn’t get the chance to take many pictures or videos as we spent most of the day either dancing or trying to cool down. We did get a moment to take a short video of one particular dance to show that it is done out there. Here’s K Step and Rumba

Calne Class 23rd August

For this week only, classes are at the 1st Calne Scout Group in Quarr Barton off Castle St/Market hill. This is due to the Bremhill View social club being unavailable this week.

Be aware that the postcode for it shows on google maps as being on Curzon street and market hill so please take a look at the map below.

Same times 18:30 – 19:30, same price £6. Parking is limited at the hall.

Improver Sessions

We will for the month of September be adding an additional 30 minutes onto the end of the class.

The first hour will be the normal beginners class, however the extra 30 minutes (at no extra charge) will be for ‘high’ beginner and improver dances.

This is to test the water on the potential for an improver class.

Everyone is welcome to stay on, but be aware that the teaches will be shorter, faster, in less detail (i.e. I won’t be explaining what a shuffle, grapevine etc is) and the dances will be of a higher level.

This is not a standalone session and is simply an extension of the Beginner class therefore we will not be accepting anyone coming just for the 30 minutes

This will start on the 6th September for Calne and the 7th September for Chippenham

Improver Taster Sessions

We have some news for September for both the Calne and Chippenham Class.

We will for the month of September be adding an additional 30 minutes onto the end of the class.

The first hour will be the normal beginners class, however the extra 30 minutes (at no extra charge) will be for ‘high’ beginner and improver dances.

This is to test the water on the potential for an improver class.

Everyone is welcome to stay on, but be aware that the teaches will be shorter, faster, in less detail (i.e. I won’t be explaining what a shuffle, grapevine etc is) and the dances will be of a higher level.

This is not a stand alone class and is available only to people that have taken part in the Beginner class.

This will start on the 6th September for Calne and the 7th September for Chippenham

Lyneham Class Closure

Unfortunately the Primary School have chosen to cancel ALL bookings for all non school organisations using their facilities. This is due to a new safeguarding update which we believe they have misinterpreted.

This however means that we can no longer continue with the Lyneham class. The other options for the area are either too small or not available on Tuesday evenings regularly.

So the class of the 18th July 2023 was Lynehams last night. We do of course have the Calne and Chippenham classes available, you can find out more information in the classes section