Chippenham AB 21/01/25
Chippenham AB 21/01/25
You all brought your A game this evening. My class plan went to bits with the ‘pre class’ dancing as well.
I also came away with a rather lovely heavy white woollen cardigan. Let us know if this is yours before Jo steals it as she is rather taken with it.
Tonight you danced
Stand By Me
Ah Si
Ritas Waltz
Due to my class plan being thrown out the window I panicked and you got two ‘new to you’ dances this evening
One Step Forward
20 Count, 4 Walls
Choreographer: Betty Wilson and Charlotte Lucia
Music: One Step Forward by the Desert Rose Band
Heave Away
32 Count, 4 Walls
Choreographer: Rob Fowler
Music: Heave Away by The Fables