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Chippenham Beginners 28/03

A quiet evening in Chippenham, but the weather was horrendous, we’d rather you stayed safe! Thank you to those that did make it.

We Danced

Heave Away
One Step Forward
Some Kind of Wonderful
Beyonces Country
Swamp Thing.

Tonights new teach was ‘I’ll be Thinking of You’

I’ll be thinking of you.

32 count, 4 walls
Choreographers: Michelle Risley and Gary Lafferty
Music: Think of Me by the Mavericks

Step Sheet

Calne 27/03

It was request night in Calne this evening.

We danced

Heave Away (at a cost)
Gives Me Shivers
Some Kind of Wonderful
Never Drinking Again
Ritas Waltz

Tonights new dance was ‘I’ll be Thinking of You’

I’ll be thinking of you.
32 count, 4 walls
Choreographers: Michelle Risley and Gary Lafferty
Music: Think of Me by the Mavericks

Step Sheet

Calne Absolute Beginner Course – Week 4

Calne Absolute Beginner Course – Week 4

All of you looked amazing this evening, the progression is real.

Tonight we danced

Ah Si
Mamma Maria
Stand By Me
Rocket to the Sun

We also covered

Joining and leaving lines
Rights of way.

When they generally are
Charity Events
CMC’s, CDC’s and LDC’s

Additional Terminology

Contra Line
Split Floors
Partner In Line
Nu Line, Classic

We also have a (non exhaustive) quick guide to socials for you to take a look at

Calne 20/03

A busy night in Calne once again, you were on fine form.

Tonight we danced

Rocket to the Sun
Beyonce’s Country
Soem Kind of Wonderful
Glass of Wine
Stand By Me

Don’t forget next week is all request week. Send in your requests via facebook, messenger, email etc but get them to us no later than Tuesday Afternoon.

Also there is a £1 ‘swear box’ fee for anyone requesting Heave Away. All proceeds to Dorothy House

Local Instructor Workshop

Bad news I’m afraid.

Due to unforseen circumstances we are no longer able to go ahead with the Local Instructor Workshop in April.

We have tried a number of options to try and keep the event but we’ve been unable to resolve the issues.

Refunds: All those who paid for tickets with cash will be refunded at class this week. If you have paid by card, some of the transactions can no longer be refunded due to the time elapsed, you will also be refunded in cash, the card transactions that can be refunded will be refunded tomorrow.

If you’re from another class and have bought tickets from your instructor, please speak to your instructor for refunds. We’ll be issuing refunds back to your instructor so you get your money back.

Please bring your tickets back to get a refund.